Ryann Jorban

Deputy in Charge

Economic Justice Unit, Labor Justice Unit Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office

Ryann is a recognized expert in the prosecution of labor exploitation and criminal fraud exploitation of vulnerable communities. She provides training and consultation support on these issues across the state and nation. She also leads several statewide and nationwide working groups and taskforces operating in these two areas of expertise.

Ryann Jorban joined the LA County District Attorney’s Office in 1998 after gaining her law degree at the University of Michigan Law School. The majority of her career has been spent prosecuting crimes against the most vulnerable members of our society, including children, the elderly, people with physical and developmental disabilities, and individuals being abused by their significant others or family members.

She continues her dedication to these vulnerable victims as the Deputy in Charge of two units within the Consumer Protection Division: the Economic Justice and Notario Fraud Unit which focuses on the prosecution of fraud against our most vulnerable consumers including the elderly, disabled, recent immigrants, and others who are frequent targets for consumer related crimes and the Labor Justice Unit focusing on the systematic theft of wages and labor exploitation of the most vulnerable workers in LA County through prosecution and collaboration with other organizations and agencies working in this area.